Friday, January 29, 2016

6 Goals | Episode 33

 Download the .mp3

I went on a few runs. Two I've posted below, the one before that is in the last post. I recorded a podcast too! Wow has it been a long time since I've done that! I tried adding some more chill music instead of the hard rock in the background. I like it a lot more. Kind of new age and weird but I like it. Makes for an interesting sound.

Here's the stats:
2.0 miles in 20:11 minutes - 1/29/16 
2.0 miles in 24 minutes - 1/22/16

"Garden Music" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Cover to Sword and Urn and some art from the Children's picture book I mentioned:

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Went for A Special Run Today

This morning I woke my 7 year old son up at like 6:15 and we went for a run together. We ran for around 17 minutes and maybe ran about a mile. I'm totally guessing on the distance. It was really fun and special. He's a good little runner. He never wanted to stop and walk and he loved it. He said it was really fun and asked if we could do it every morning. It was really special.